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The NVL is adding a new feature for the 2016 season, to more easily share information about our events. This is a one way channel of communication to send you updates & important information during each event.

Follow these directions to make sure you don’t miss out:

1. You will need to register for a free YakStack account

Yakstack register

2. Confirm your account. YakStack will send you an email with a confirmation link. Click “Confirm my Account”.

3. Login with the username and password you created in step 1.

4. Search for TheNVL – all one word.

YakStack Search

5. Subscribe to the “Player’s Feed” – http://yak.st/hRKJFQ25FT

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6. Add or Enable your phone to receive SMS text messages on your phone.

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7. Make sure you activate SMS to receive texts on your phone. You can choose to receive email, text and/or phone call notifications.

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8. If you already signed up for an account but aren’t receiving messages, click the appropriate feed and click the cog to the right of the green subscribed button. Go back to #7 and make sure the correct boxes are selected.

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There is an app as well, that may come in handy. Go to the app store and search for YakStack.