The world is filled with sports fanatics. But Beach Volleyball fans are a different breed. They are energetic as hell, and love the sport just as much as the pros. You don’t have to attend an NVL tournament to be the best, most awesome NVL fan ever (although it is highly encouraged). Here are some guidelines on how to be the best NVL fan from home or from the bleachers…
The NVL fan lives somewhere between a passionate soccer mom and Gollum from Lord of the Rings.
He embraces spirit and enthusiasm… no matter what the cost.
While there are lots of distractions during gametime, the true NVL fans keep their eyes on the ball.
NVL fans take full advantage of local vendors. Whether that be a delicious snack or necessary skin protection.
Always bring your game face. And a backup.
Birmingham News
SMILE, YOU’RE ON TV! Yep, that’s right. When you’re at an NVL tourney, you will be broadcasted on our live webcast to thousands of people. So, most of all… just be awesome.
Bacon Wrapped Media